Teaching Assistant (TA), Physics August, 2009 - May, 2011
University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Physics, Richardson, Texas, USAMentors: Dr. Paul MacAlevey, Ms. Beatrice Rasmussen, Dr. John Hoffman, Dr. Anton Malko.
- Graded homework of undergraduate courses (Theoretical Physics, Mechanics, College Physics, Electricity & Magnetism), proctored exams and maintained office hours for students.
- Demonstrated theoretical concepts of the experiments, the techniques and methods in the class.
- Delivered lectures for electronics and mechanics laboratory and involved in evaluating and grading lab reports, proctoring exams.
Instructor, Physics August, 2008 - May, 2009
Khwopa Engineering College, Bhaktapur, NEPAL.
Himalayan Institute of Science & Technology, Kathmandu, NEPAL.
Himalayan Institute of Science & Technology, Kathmandu, NEPAL.
- Taught Engineering Physics course, proctored exams, assignments, and grading.
- Instructed and supervised laboratory sessions, proctored lab exams, and grading lab reports.
Courses Instructed or involved as TA :
- 2008-2009 : Engineering Physics (undergraduate: Electrical and Electronics Eng)
- Spring 2011 : PHYS 1101.104: College Physics Lab I
- Spring 2011 : PHYS 2125.103: Physics Laboratory I
- Fall 2010 : PHYS 2126.102/PHYS 1102.105: Physics Lab. II (Electromagnetism)
- Fall 2010 : PHYS 2125.105 Physics Laboratory I (Mechanics Lab)
- Spring 2010 : PHYS 3311.501: Theoretical Physics (Math methods)
- Spring 2010 : PHYS 2303.001 Contemporary Physics
- Summer 2010 : PHYS 3342: Physics for Bio Sciences
- Fall 2009 : PHYS 3311.501: Theoretical Physics
- Fall 2009 : PHYS 2325: Mechanics
"If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet". -Niels Bohr